Crazy Conkers+

Using Tools: Drilling Conkers
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OLTeam Kirsten from Castleview Primary
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Embracing the conker season and loving it. Conkers are one of the most wonderous and joyous treats of the season. All ages loved breaking them open to discover the treasure inside. Children were limited on the amounts they could collect due to the environmental impact "Pick a little, if there is a lot and not at all if there is a little."

P3 and P7 used palm drills to drill holes in the conkers to make necklaces and other craft. Before drilling the class discussed how we would use the tools safely. I demonstrated and had a small group at a time drilling while the rest of the class hunted for other types of seeds in the surrounding area.

We also made spider webs using colourful wool and cocktail sticks and some made little creatures.

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